Teeth should be brushed with a soft bristled toothbrush 2 times daily 2 minutes every time!
1. In the morning (after breakfast if possible!)
2. At bedtime (no food or drink, except water, after brushing!)
When brushing your child’s teeth, move the brush in small circular motions over teeth and gums to reach food particles and plaque that may be under the gum line. Brush the outside, inside and chewing surfaces of all the front and back teeth. Include the tongue and roof of mouth when brushing. If you are struggling to brush your young active child’s teeth, Dr. Light will provide you with ways to position your child to help you get the job done!
Curious when you should replace your child’s toothbrush? As soon as the bristles start to wear down or fray (usually after 3 months of use), replace the toothbrush with a new one! Do not let your children share toothbrushes as germs could be spread this way!
Fluoridated toothpaste IS safe to use once the first tooth erupts; however, the amount that is placed on the brush is key!
– For a child 2 years and younger, a smear the size of a grain of rice is sufficient to lather to all areas.
– For a child older than 2 years, a pea sized amount should be applied to the toothbrush.
If your child cannot rinse and spit efficiently, simply wipe off the excess toothpaste from the teeth with a small wash rag. If you are unsure about the amount of fluoridated toothpaste that is appropriate for your child, use a training, fluoride-free toothpaste until Dr. Light can demonstrate the amount at your child’s first visit!
If your child’s teeth are touching one another, it is impossible for the bristles of the toothbrush to clean efficiently in between the teeth! It is important to run floss between all touching teeth to remove food particles and plaque. This will help prevent cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath! Ideally, flossing should also be performed right before going to bed!